Console table

      • Wand bzw. KonsoltischWand bzw. Konsoltisch

        France, Louis XV period, mid 18th century, curved, finely ornamentally carved in the form of volutes, flowers, vine leaves and grapes, set in gold, openwork frame, marble top probably from the 19th century, 88 x 104 x 53 cm, in good general condition with beautiful patina.

      • KonsoltischKonsoltisch
        • France, Louis XV period, curved softwood frame
        • Finely carved in volute form with flowers and leaves, open-worked, gold-painted
        • Marble top probably added in the late 19th/early 20th century
        • 91 x 106 x 53.5 cm, restored condition, reworked version
      • Spieltisch ALIXSpieltisch ALIX

        A console by the French ebenist Georges-Francois ALIX, in the Louis XVI style, late 19th century, oak frame veneered with amaranth and rosewood as well as with various precious woods of the finest quality in the form of stylised leaves and flowers as well as ornamental marquetry, polished using traditional craftsmanship, conical fluted feet, hinged top, gilded bronze fittings, double stamp on the underside, 74 x 63 x 44 cm, professionally restored condition.

      • Konsol- Spieltisch, G.M. Eugene DURANDKonsol- Spieltisch, G.M. Eugene DURAND side
        • Console table, Gervais-Maximilien Eugene DURAND, (1839-1920) based on a model model of the ebenist Bernard van Risenburgh in the late 19th century curved oak frame with folding top, rosewood veneered, veneered in rosewood, with various precious woods, partly in in end-grain technique, floral and lattice-like markings, polished, finely chiselled gilt bronze fittings and panel edging, interior covering, stamped on the underside of the frame
        • 75 x 82 x 42cm
        • Beautiful expertly restored condition.